Tijdens het gezellige verblijf in de metropool Berlijn is er tussen de 11 deelnemers volop kennis en informatie uitgewisseld over verkiezingscampagnes, kansrijke projecten, Amsterdam Oost, Oost-Groningen en Europa.
Van het politieke deel vond ik de campagne van de SPD voor de verkiezingen op 18 september 2011 en het bezoek aan het Abgeordnetenhaus - stadsbestuur - het inspirerendst. De 'tone of voice' van de SPD campagne is optimistisch, symboliseert 'less is more' in het motto "Berlin verstehen." en door veel beeld en weinig tekst te gebruiken. Op prentbriefkaarten uit de campagne staat de SPD burgemeester Klaus Wowereit met spelende kinderen en een mobiele telefoon foto. Interessant is hoe de 'digital natives' van de Piratenpartij zich gaan ontwikkelen. Ze kregen 9% van de stemmen en hebben voor het eerst 14 Mannen en 1 Vrouw als Abgeordnete.
Een kansrijk project op weg naar economische zelfstandigheid van vrouwen is het burgerinitiatief Die Weltküche. Na het volgen van verschillende (inburgerings)cursussen startten migrantenvrouwen uit diverse landen een eigen sociale onderneming Graefewirtschaft e.V. Een restaurant met catering ''mit dem Geschmack der Welt'' in Kreuzberg waar we overheerlijk lunchten www.die-weltkueche.org
Mij doet de werkwijze heel erg denken aan geslaagde projecten van Stichting Kansrijk Ondernemen Nederland die vrouwen opleidt tot kleinschalige en innovatieve ondernemers in de gastouderopvang. Ze maken daarbij gebruik van bestaande netwerken, partners en fondsen in de wijken van Amsterdam Zuidoost.
Vrouwen verwierven in 1919 - net als in Nederland - het recht om te kiezen en gekozen te worden. In de werkelijk prachtige glazen koepel van de Bundestag is deze foto van de gekozen vrouwen te zien.
Boomer en oud-social media entrepreneur Arina Angerman deelt informatie en kennis in blogs over haar ervaring bij events en publicaties met een leven lang leren, politieke participatie en (online) netwerken. Former social media entrepreneur and boomer Arina Angerman shares stories and knowledge of events and publications about lifelong learning, political participation and (online) networking.
maandag 24 oktober 2011
maandag 3 oktober 2011
IAW ning community & mentoring & gender equality at Board Meeting in Reykjavik
The Icelandic Women's Rights Association offered inspiring activities on gender equality education, network opportunities with human rights experts and excellent dinners to the 22 participants of the Board Meeting 2011 of the
International Alliance of Women. Reports for IAW Board Meeting you can find here. Main objective of international NGO IAW is equal rights means equal responsibilities; women's rights are human rights.
Information & communication that are not shared or only with a few people are not very valuable. As an individual member of IAW I participated in the Board Meeting as an advisor about using Internet and social media. Now all participants are using internet to search information and mail to communicate. A small minority is using social networks like ning, LinkedIn or Facebook. There is a big social media gap to bridge! One of my concrete objectives was becoming a mentor of some participants - International Representatives or Commission Convenors - who want knowledge on what and how to inform and communicate at the internal iawomen.ning.com This ning community saves time and connects 'older' & 'younger' active members of IAW. Mentoring is a very interesting instrument of P2P learning by doing. A nice quote from a great and experienced Commission Convenor ''She is young, she is fifty''.
In 1908 women gained local suffrage and the right to hold office in Iceland. Now Iceland is #1 the 'best country for gender equality' according to Global Gender Gap Report by the World Economic Forum in 2010. Netherlands is at #17. In highest climber Saudi-Arabia at #129 women get the right to vote and stand for election in the local councils in 2015
Nice or need to knows
* Reports for IAW Board Meeting in Reykjavik (2011) by President, Regional Vice-Presidents and Coordinators, Commission Convenors, International Representatives, Communications and Member Organisations.
* Very Important under general theme IAW 'women into decision-making positions':
- Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women CEDAW;
- Millenium Development Goal (MDG) 3 on Gender equality in decision-making;
- Security Council Resolution UNSCR 1325 on women, peace and security.
* History and activities of Icelandic Women's Rights Association since 1907.
International Alliance of Women. Reports for IAW Board Meeting you can find here. Main objective of international NGO IAW is equal rights means equal responsibilities; women's rights are human rights.
Information & communication that are not shared or only with a few people are not very valuable. As an individual member of IAW I participated in the Board Meeting as an advisor about using Internet and social media. Now all participants are using internet to search information and mail to communicate. A small minority is using social networks like ning, LinkedIn or Facebook. There is a big social media gap to bridge! One of my concrete objectives was becoming a mentor of some participants - International Representatives or Commission Convenors - who want knowledge on what and how to inform and communicate at the internal iawomen.ning.com This ning community saves time and connects 'older' & 'younger' active members of IAW. Mentoring is a very interesting instrument of P2P learning by doing. A nice quote from a great and experienced Commission Convenor ''She is young, she is fifty''.
In 1908 women gained local suffrage and the right to hold office in Iceland. Now Iceland is #1 the 'best country for gender equality' according to Global Gender Gap Report by the World Economic Forum in 2010. Netherlands is at #17. In highest climber Saudi-Arabia at #129 women get the right to vote and stand for election in the local councils in 2015
Nice or need to knows
* Reports for IAW Board Meeting in Reykjavik (2011) by President, Regional Vice-Presidents and Coordinators, Commission Convenors, International Representatives, Communications and Member Organisations.
* Very Important under general theme IAW 'women into decision-making positions':
- Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women CEDAW;
- Millenium Development Goal (MDG) 3 on Gender equality in decision-making;
- Security Council Resolution UNSCR 1325 on women, peace and security.
* History and activities of Icelandic Women's Rights Association since 1907.
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